It's a harsh reality and not something we like to think about, but let's face some time, in some area of life, you're simply going to fall short of your goals.
Too many times we let the fear of failing stop us from trying to succeed. We become complacent, unmotivated and lethargic. It's hard to put yourself out there, in front of everyone, and then fall flat on your face. Trust me, I've been there! ...but we can't allow ourselves to be so scared of failing that we forget to actually live our lives!
Every time I sit down to write one of these posts, I ask myself why I'm doing this. It isn't because I've been endowed with some sort of incredible wisdom. It isn't because I think I have all of the answers. It isn't because I think that my way of viewing the world is right and others are wrong. Believe it or not, I write these posts for myself as much as anyone else. I need to be constantly reminded that the only difference between success and failure, is repetition. When we stop trying is when failure wins, but when we repeat the things that we know are right it will inevitably lead to success!
I've already failed at my goal of creating a new post every Monday since beginning this process. I can blame it on being out of town or being too busy, but it's all just an excuse. ...but I'm not ready to give up, because there are so many others out there just like me. Feeling regularly discouraged and confused about what the future of photography holds for us. Constantly feeling like our work isn't good enough. These are all triggers designed to trip us up and prevent us from realizing our full potential...and if I can relate to one person and encourage them to push beyond their doubts until they begin to see their goals being met, then every ounce of effort has been worth it.
There's comfort in knowing that you're not alone. When you find yourself coming up short, remember that it's not the first time, it certainly will not be the last, and you're not the only one that's going through it! It's all part of the process of success. What is one goal you have that you've come up short on? What can you do today to start working towards that goal again? It's only failure if you stop trying! ...and there's never, ever anything to be ashamed of in picking yourself up, dusting yourself off, and getting back in the game!